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Home Gifts & Crafts Art Supplies Crayons Papecero Stationery Ltd. Guangzhou


Papecero Stationery Ltd. Guangzhou

Papecero Stationery Ltd. Guangzhou

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Company History and Background

Founded: 2015

Papecero is a stationery supplier with a wide range of office & school items. Since the year of 2005, we started our business activities from the market of Angola, with the aim to build to be your accountable partner for stationeries. The company aims to provide stationeries with excellent quality while lowest possible cost. The idea is to merge the best selected and designed commodities among the stationeries venders of China so that you can enjoy the great performance while with no headache either on the reliability or your pocket and hence in eventually benefits you, our customers. "Papecero, your accountable partner for stationeries!"

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